Wednesday, June 1, 2011

past days

Hey guys,
So the last few days have been pretty epic, Rome was amazing once I got a map from the hostel I went all over and found so much stuff, you could wander random streets and just stumble upon fantastic fountains or a mural of some description or some random statue, it was basically amazing.
Amsterdam was rather cool, so many people ride bikes there, it was insane, but the night life was rather cool, I went out with 3 canadian girls from my dorm for a couple of nights. The city was very cool as well, there were so many parks and things and the birds there were very cool, I stumbled upon a few green parrots or some description.
And Paris, its rather cool, there are alot of cool things to see, but the city is freakin huge, I walked to from my hostel to the eifel tower yesterday with a chap from my hostel, we walked for 7 hours straight. In any case we went up the tower, via the stairs I might add, and saw a bunch of other crap on the way back.
Today I have been walking along the river, witch is a rather nice walk with lots of random buildings and things, the notra dam deally, I also tried a croissant this morning, and it was amazing, 65 cents and I got one fresh from the oven it was the best croissant I have ever tasted.
All in all its been an awesome trip, I think this will be my last post as the internet times at my hostel are stupid.
In any case, it has been an amazing trip (both the Canadian and European portions) so thank you uncle glen and auntie sue for helping me with planning it, and everyone else for reading my blog.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Dinner was basically amazing, I had an anchovy pizza and a glass of wine, it cost me 19 euros but I spent almost nothing today so I could afford it. In any case it was quite stunning, my first time eating anchovies as well, so I suppose it was quite lucky that they were delicious and salty.
Anyway, I think thats it from me for today.
Until next time
Hasta luego (see you later in Espagnol )

its so hot!!

I have found that pretty much nothing in rome costs money witch has confused me, hoqwever I have decided to go out to dinner tonight, found a place that is in my budget, so it will be nice to try some Italian food while im in rome.
On another note I walked for aaages today up this path to get to a spot where you can see all the attractions of rome, the view was incredible, lets just say I have many 2 page pictures for my book. I also saw some really intense Romanesque buildings and found one statue of superman and batman with a rather adult theme.
In any case thats about it for today, I will call in and tell you how dinner was when I get back tonight.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

some more Rome

So I went to the Vatican today at like 8:30ish and there was no one there so i breezed through, It started to get a bit crowded so I decided i was done there, walked out and saw there was easily between 500 and 1000 people lining up to get in, so we dodged that one. In any case i stumbled around for the Colosseum and got lost, and have also discovered that i'm at a loss of things to do in rome. I think I may be here a bit too long, however I'm not complaining. there are 2 girls in my dorm who have just come from amsterdam and they said it was stunning, and that the space cake is not very good value for money and didn't work the first time round. I haven't done too much today as my camera died at about 11 am and I couldn't get back into the hostel until 2:30 so I have been wandering arround unable to take pictures. I tried some gelato, it was absolutely amazing, pistachio and some moucey thing also a nutella one that Georgia suggested, it was basicly stunning.
In any case, thats it for today

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Hello, everyone.
I am in Rome now, and have not died yet..
turns out that my flight was on the 25th and not the 24th so i had a mean 24 hours in the airport to avoid looking like an idiot to the people i stayed with for the last 3 weeks. Toni ( Dennis's granddaughter ) showed me the movie snatch the other night, witch was a fantastic movie so if you get the chance i recomend you watch it..
Thats about it, I haven't done anything in rome yet as the night before going to the airport i spent with toni instead of in bed and then had to sleep in the airport witch was sketchey so i ended up sleeping like all day today.
In any case thats about it..
just letting you know i'm not quite dead yet.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

still spain

hey guys
so, the russain uy has gone now and I have moved from the 2 bedroom apartment to the studio, and my host's granddaughter is coming on the 14th so until saturday I am all alone.
I have to walk the dogs 2 hours a day now so my workload has dropped considerably witch it good, however, I'm a bit bored of this whole beach deal, trying not to spend any money so I can have as much to fall back on as posible but the beach has gotten old already.. roll on Rome I say.
I nearly picked up a snake the other day, saw my first one slivering into the bush and i was about an inch away from picking it up when I thought, wait a minute, this is a bad idea.. So on the plus side, first snake, and I have for the first time used a bit of common sense so theres that.
In any case other than this I have seen marbella however, it was prety much the same as mijas and feungirola.
I think thats it from me, just posting to let you know I'm not dead yet, however close I may have been with all this snake handler buisness.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Spanish coast

Hello everyone,
I have arrived at my 3rd workaway all gravy, and it is rather stunning. The mountains and country side is all well and good however it is wonderful to be at the beach, I think i will enjoy the next 3 weeks of being a beach bum, not to rub it in or anything.
I am not the only workaway here this time, there is a German chap here also, he tells me he has been hitch hiking his way all over Europe, witch sounds prety amazing to me, other than the time he has spent in the cells for hitch hiking on the highway.
The dogs I have to walk are quite anoying and feel they are ahead of me in the pack and so they do not listen.. however i would put up with this until the end of time as the beach is amazing and the weather is fantastico, the place I'm at is not very touristy witch is nice, so you can go on the beach and there is almost no one there.In any case i think you get the gist, the sun is great and the beach is stunning.

At my last workaway the power went off the second day that I was there and so I had no internet for 3 or 4 days hence the lack of contact, all in all they were nice people, just a bit.. different.. however they were vegetarian, witch i thought would not be as hard as it was but the food was not as good as Glen and Sues vege dinners and was mostly raw vegetables, witch may be fine for them but I can only eat so much lettuce before I get homicidal.
In any case i think thats all from me'
Chao for now.