Hello everyone,
I have arrived at my 3rd workaway all gravy, and it is rather stunning. The mountains and country side is all well and good however it is wonderful to be at the beach, I think i will enjoy the next 3 weeks of being a beach bum, not to rub it in or anything.
I am not the only workaway here this time, there is a German chap here also, he tells me he has been hitch hiking his way all over Europe, witch sounds prety amazing to me, other than the time he has spent in the cells for hitch hiking on the highway.
The dogs I have to walk are quite anoying and feel they are ahead of me in the pack and so they do not listen.. however i would put up with this until the end of time as the beach is amazing and the weather is fantastico, the place I'm at is not very touristy witch is nice, so you can go on the beach and there is almost no one there.In any case i think you get the gist, the sun is great and the beach is stunning.
At my last workaway the power went off the second day that I was there and so I had no internet for 3 or 4 days hence the lack of contact, all in all they were nice people, just a bit.. different.. however they were vegetarian, witch i thought would not be as hard as it was but the food was not as good as Glen and Sues vege dinners and was mostly raw vegetables, witch may be fine for them but I can only eat so much lettuce before I get homicidal.
In any case i think thats all from me'
Chao for now.
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