Wednesday, February 23, 2011

nothin' much

sooo... i went up Grouse again today.. nothing new to report other than I have been riding on blue runs now, or rather i have been riding 'a' blue run, as all the others seem to go to the peak so i have not but one run to ride. In any case, I lost my left glove to the bus today so old leftys gonna be a bit cold on the mountain tomorrow.
Glen showed me some pictures of him and dad in S/A and then London.. it is very strange to see him and dad so young, thin, and with a ful head of shoulder length hair.
In any case, i think thats all from me for today..

1 comment:

  1. Well done, sounds like youre getting pretty good at the old snowboarding.......shame about your glove but at least its better than your wallet huh :-=)
